С Праздником, дорогая Православная семья!

Hello, I'm an American blogger trying to learn more about Russian blogging, business via social networks. I've always had an interest in the Russian Orthodox church. There is a beautiful church in Hartshorne, Oklahoma - a tiny town in the south. I thought I would share a photo with you. It's about three hours from my home in Oklahoma City, but it would be glorious to spend Christmas Sunday here. In my dreams, friends! Good for you Russian women trying to nurture the faith of your children. I do the same in America. -jen My American blog is www.jenx67.com  I guess I can't post a photo here of the church. I will post it on my little site in this online community. Blessings, jen
 We are glad to see you in our community, Jennifer! It would be pleasant to see a photo of your church on our site. I hope, we can help you to get acquainted more close with Orthodoxy. 
Hello, Irina. Here is a link where I posted the picture of the Russian Orthodox church on the Oklahoma prairie. When I make it there in real life I will write about it and post original photos. Thank you, everyone for the kind sentiments. Merry Christmas!! http://www.babyblog.ru/user/jenx67/123076
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С Праздником!
Спаси Господи,всех С Праздником!
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с Праздником!!!! 
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C Прздником!Храни нас Пресвятая Богородица=)
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